Friday, May 05, 2006

a little gratitude and joy

tonight i am grateful for:

a wonderful evening with my husband. good food. laughter. silliness. reading poetry from the poetry thursday posts out loud together.

and speaking of poetry thursday. i am so grateful for the way this idea continues to expand and grow. and for lynn for taking on this project with me.

the weather. oh this gorgeous weather. blue sky and sunshine that is inviting everything to grow and bloom and reach up toward the heavens.

the wonderful women who come to my senior chair yoga class. they are beyond delightful. during the class we laugh and share and they do more than they think they can. it is a beautiful experience each week.

the work i have had lately. mostly i am grateful for this because it means our debt can decrease a little (or at least not increase).

that my grandpa's surgery went well this week. it was minor, but he had to be under anesthesia. i am simply grateful that he woke up.

my brother and the way that he inspires me. he has just finished the great american novel in the form of an amazing album with a friend of his. so it isn't a book, but rather an album of some incredible songs...but this is how i can relate to how he feels. like he just completed a dissertation about his life. check it out
here. i am fiercely proud of him.

the new friends in my life. thank you for finding me and connecting with me. i am so happy to know you.

the hope that i will have some time to myself this weekend for the first time in a long time. i. can't. wait.

and i am finding the joy in this list of things:
fresh basil, the indigo girls, the way millie puts her head on my knee and sighs, flip flops, summer skirts, pink ribbon, opening the mailbox to find a letter addressed just to me...a real letter, a new white t-shirt, a slice of lemon in a glass of cold water, my superhero bracelet, taking my laptop outside to work on the back porch, the laughter of a dear friend, mugs of green tea.

how have you found the joy this week?