Sunday, June 24, 2007

a new design (meet the anya totes)

anya totes

Remember that scene in Roman Holiday when Princess Ann wants a day where she can just be an everyday girl named Anya, so she sets off for an adventure in Rome? She soaks in the sites, gets a gorgeous new haircut, is given a flower by the flower cart man when she can’t afford a bouquet, and then tops the day off with an ice cream cone.

As we watched this movie a few weeks ago, I started thinking about the joy of a day spent on an adventure just feeling free. Life can be full of all the musts and shoulds and responsibilities. Those of us who are the good girls, the serious girls, the girls who always do the right thing, we can easily get knee deep in all that stuff and forget about the joy of a day of freedom. Even in the midst of “all that we must do,” we have to give ourselves permission to have adventures, to decide to get a new haircut just because, to take off for the day with no plans or expectations.

As I watched the joy on her face as she wondered the streets, there was this one little moment where Audrey Hepburn puts her hands in her pockets. As she did that, I thought, “she doesn’t have a bag.” It was silly really, but I did have that thought. And, from that thought my mind jumped to an idea for a little bag. I love how ideas are born like this. You see something and your mind makes a connection and suddenly you are creating. I imagined her carrying a little linen tote to match her crisp white shirt and long dark skirt. When the movie finished, I picked up my “notes from the little room” moleskine and started writing down ideas.

it's time: an anya tote

This new tote design is inspired by Anya’s solo explorations. It’s just the right size for your sketchbook, pencil case, book of poetry, wallet, and iPod. Perfect for your own adventure out into the world. Available at The Little Room.

see jane: an anya tote