Monday, June 02, 2008

a peek into pieces of the weekend.

m and ms

Number of spice drops consumed: over 100
Number of spice jars filled with buttons according to color: 17
Number of buttons sorted: between 6,000 and 12,000
Number of button flower pins made: 26
Number of hot glue burns: 1
Number of perfect comfortable standing on concrete while also looking cute shoes found: 1
Number of crying breakdowns: 0 (almost 5…all me)
Number of deep breaths taken: many
Number of trips to the thrift store: 1
Number of cups of coffee consumed: at least 8
Number of turkey sandwiches consumed while walking between the coffee shop and the car: 1
Number of interesting swear words uttered: too many to count
Number of times "Rocks and Water" sung aloud: about 9
Number of times chocolate stash raided: 2
Number of trips to Target for emergency supplies: 1
Number of almost calluses caused by pinking shears: 1
Number of trips to Bremerton, WA to pick up a Craig's List purchase that is the perfect finishing touch to my candy-store inspired booth: 1
Number of items crossed off the to-do list: a lot

Having a friend spend the weekend with you (and stay an extra night) with the sole purpose of supporting you and helping you cut, glue, sort, package, create, plan, dream, and organize; and chauffeuring you; and listening to (putting up with) the music that makes you happy…all the while always being supportive, never complaining, and simply making you feel good about yourself…and having a husband who keeps said friend and you fed and is the king of all things needing to be stamped with number/letter stamps and ink: the blessings that make up this moment right now…