just peaking out to say hi.
i'm headed to portland later today to spend the weekend with jen and her family...looking forward to lots of girl talk and lots of hugs from a certain five year old.
jen is generously going to then help me at my booth at Crafty Wonderland. if you are in the Portland area, hope you will come and see us on Sunday at the Doug Fir from 11-4:30. about 40 vendors. bet you might find something "hip" and fun to make you smile...
i've been making some new pillows this week. i realized that all the pillows in my shop had a pink theme. nothing wrong with a little pink, but not everyone decorates with pink, so i have created some in various different colors (no pink in site). i will have them at the show this weekend and then i will take some photos to share when i get back next week. i just have so much fun creating these pillows.
also been working on some new designs to add to the Natasha line. sketching and taking notes and brainstorming via chat with a friend (who is hoping for a bag a bit like this one). i'm looking forward to making this "on paper" design a reality during some cooler (hoping for cool at least) summer evenings next week.
i'm feeling back into the rhythms of waking up, editing, sewing, getting outside, running errands, petting the mill-dog, cuddling with jon, sewing, brainstorming, napping, editing, breathing...being home.
it's nice.
and i realized i haven't told you all that my Gramps is doing better. hopefully he will be back home in a few weeks. i'm going to visit him then. it has been too long. i'm used to visits once to twice a year, but i haven't visited since my grandmother died. deep breath. we do the best we can, but not visiting him for this long isn't quite the best i was aiming for. so my plan is to spend a few fall days in the south this year...
thank you again for all your kind words during the confusion of his hospitalization and the days that followed.
hope things are bright in your corner of the world...happy weekend to you.
many blessings,