Thursday, November 20, 2008

five (really) good things


an outfit for this day, 11.20.08

one. the friendly smiling faces and (seriously) sparkling personalities of the peeps at the drive-through starbucks this morning.

two. figuring out how to use my speakerphone on my blackberry so that i could continue a conversation that started out as a "i need you to talk to me so that i can stop crying and drive" and became a "yes, this idea is brilliant" kind of conversation with a good amount of laughter peppered in.

three. having a neighbor rescue me in a really kind way (we don't really know any of our neighbors...and i am so very grateful for the voice that said "yes" when i said, "i need some help...").

four. hearing this song on the radio just when i needed it (and feeling really surrounded by love in that moment).

five. wearing my new favorite purple socks. and tights. and a dress over a skirt. just because i can.

what five (really) good things are part of your world?
share them.
i dare ya.