Thursday, February 05, 2009

an afternoon chat (that is more like an evening podcast)

(so...this video post... is more like a podcast.
yes, that's it.
treat it like a podcast [in two parts].
or pretend you are sitting in the evening light with me and listening to me ramble [even though this was the middle of the day].
my little camera cannot handle these grey days.
and the lighting seemed fine on the camera.
but that did not translate when uploaded.
and well, i wanted to share these words.
thanks for putting up with me.)

did you take my dare from last week?
did you?
did you do something that surprised yourself? something outside your comfort zone?
did you take a step forward?

i would love to hear all about it...

(and thanks for putting up with the dark video. remember, just pretend it is a podcast.)

PS and jon and i just had a little talk about back lighting. yeah. guess i need to be aware of that. harumph.