Friday, July 14, 2006

another secret love

It all started in June of 2001, on my birthday to be exact. Well, it might have started before then, when I saw Bridget Jones’s Diary earlier that year, but I didn’t really meet him until June of 2001.
Mr. Darcy.
Over a week, I spent six glorious hours with him. And I ate up every minute. From his brooding, egotistical moments to his white, wet shirt to his professions of love. Yes. Yummy. I fell in love with him.
At the time, I was convinced I had fallen in love with Colin Firth. I mean, how could you not? And soon after finishing all six hours of BBC’s Pride and Prejudice, there was a nice, large photo of Mr. Firth in a magazine I was reading. So, his beautiful face became a fixture on my fridge. Yes. He became my secret boyfriend. Well, I often referred to him as such, so I guess he really became my not-so-secret boyfriend.

Though at some point, with no discussion, we began to grow apart.

But then, June of 2006 arrived. The new version of Pride & Prejudice appeared in the mailbox via netflix. I had been adamant that I was not going to watch it. Ever. I mean there was only one Mr. Darcy for me. But after reading some positive reviews over the months (especially by fellow bloggers), I agreed (with myself) to give it a try. However, I was going to watch it and work at the same time. I didn’t plan to really pay much attention to it. Even though I had loved Matthew Macfadyen on MI-5, my mind was already made up before I watched it.

But then something unbelievable happened. I realized I wasn’t in love with Colin Firth. No. Actually, I am quite in love with Mr. Darcy. He had me from the very first moment once again. My heart went pitter patter as he looked at Elizabeth, as he confessed his love with such arrogance. Yes. He is such a stubborn, proud, rude, brooding man. And I love him.
I watched the movie again before sending it back. And to be honest, I think I could probably watch it every week. Though, not sure my heart could handle it.
After this, I caught Bridget Jones’s Diary on TV and relished in the way Mark Darcy is Mr. Darcy (even though Bridget is not so much Elizabeth). Don't get me wrong, I adore her in this movie.
As that movie ended, I added the second Bridget Jones movie to my netflix queue (though I hadn’t really planned to see it either. Didn’t love book number two like I loved the first book, and I didn’t really want to deal with Bridget and her drama. But Mr. Darcy had me under his spell). I did laugh during it and had a smile on my face every single time Mark Darcy walked onto the screen even though his face was often frowning.
Then, during the last week in June, I curled up on the couch and I watched the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice again. In one day.

Oh yes. Mr. Darcy. I love you.

Now, I have decided that I must read the book. I know some say it is thick, and I can hear Meg Ryan's character in You've Got Mail talking about getting lost in the language, but I am going to give it a try. Of course, I have to buy the book first.

By the way, Mr. Darcy probably wouldn’t have come in to my life if it hadn’t been for my husband. We had been dating for about six weeks when my 25th birthday came along. And he gave me BBC’s Pride and Prejudice. Little did he know that even though we made out at the end of every single episode of that mini-series, and I was deeply falling in love with him, I was falling in love with Mr. Darcy.

Don't worry, I know which one of them is my true love.