Sunday, April 20, 2008


alone in the sand

it snowed (and hailed and sleeted and rained) yesterday. it didn't stick but snow on the tulips is getting to be a bit much. (last weekend, it was in the seventies.)

i am gathering bits of things for the farm chicks show in a few weeks. i have so much to get ready for this show that i know i just can't worry about the fact that there are only three items in my little etsy shop. although i do worry a bit for some silly reason. but what i am creating is making me so happy. (and i will share pictures soon.)

in my gathering of things, i somehow found myself the proud owner of...ahem...a lot of vintage fabric yoyos (after leaving an antique mall yesterday). i mean a lot. not a small amount. it is fantastic fun.

i also won a huge button lot on ebay. huge. i mean not small at all. and i can't wait to sort through them and clean them and then pour them into a huge candy jar to take with me to the show. i am going for kind of a vintage candy store look for my booth.

i cried watching the season finale of torchwood (on bbc america) last night. cried. it was really sad. but good. i love that show.

i watched the papal mass today. not exactly sure why seeing that i am not catholic (yes, it is true, i went to notre dame and i am not catholic). it was interesting (i have been to a few masses in my time, but i never watched one with commentary before today). i actually said aloud to jon, "the pope's voice is so cute." was i the only out there who said that? well, no one in yankee stadium said anything. those people were so well behaved and quiet. it was a wonder to behold through the television screen...wonder what it was like to be there. probably very beautiful.

tonight, we are going to see the gambler in concert. if you don't know who i am talking about (or about my love of the gambler), read this post. i. am. really. excited. almost to the point where i am acting aloof about it because i keep thinking something will come up to prevent me from going like the last time (although at least it won't be a biopsy like the last time). i have warned jon that there are so many memories with these songs (many involving my grandparents), that i might just cry through some of them. i know, i know. but this is me.

today is a day where i am procrastinating some things. and i just have to breathe through that and know that it is okay and everything will get done. as it always does.

i feel very grateful for the connections i have made and keep making since i started this blog. as i seek balance in my life and try to stretch and grow in different directions while walking forward on my path, one thing continues to become clear: i am really blessed. thank you for you.