Tuesday, December 02, 2008

etsy gift ideas of the yarn variety and sounds of the season

some warm and toasty gift ideas (from left to right)

1. either-or capelet from fringe
2. a rose in a snow forest hat from tomokotahara
3. leg warmers from black circle
4. toasty super cowl from tea with toast
5. daisy wheels scarf from kanokwalee
6. cuffs from while they play
7. cashmere ballet slippers from adventuresofjr
8. grass green pom pom hat from kanokwalee
9. coffee and cream neckwarmer from tickled pink knits
10. lollie goes visiting hat from jmaccknits
11. blue pebble twins gloves from knithappens
12. veronique cowl from hand me down


sounds of the season

did johnny mathis sing in your home when you were a kid? i can hear those records drop on that old extremely large record player that was outside my bedroom. i can hear those records drop and then at some point this song would come on and i would find myself dancing a bit and peeking down the stairs to see the corner of the tree in the living room. i bet i was hoping for a cabbage patch kid...

(i have decided to post my december views posts by themselves toward the end of the day, and my "sounds of the season," gift ideas, and other wordy posts at other times. at somepoint in the wee hours of the morning while i was sewing away, i had this realization that i could do whatever i want. so look for december views later today.)